Students who participate in the advanced content model of services at IGA will receive instruction that is well-defined, grounded in the Georgia Standards of Excellence, with a level of pacing and rigor that is not typical for an average student on that grade level. Gifted program standards will be met via instructional practices rooted in content, processes and product differentiation. The objective of Dublin City Schools is to assist identified gifted and high achieving students in reaching their full potential through a challenging curriculum and differentiated instruction based on elaborate, complex, and in-depth studies of major themes, ideas, and problems.
Gifted Education Program Standards:
1) Research Skills - Develops advanced research skills and methods which include in-depth self selected topics within an area of study.
2) Cognitive Skills -Develops and practices creative thinking and creative problem solving skills within a variety of complex topics.
3) Learning Skills - Develops and practices critical thinking and logical problem solving skills in academic areas.
4) Communication Skills -Develops advanced communication skills via new techniques, materials, and formats (written, oral or visual) in products and through presentations shared with an audience.
5) Affective Skills - Develops an understanding of self and how their unique characteristics may influence interactions with others.